Samoan To English TranslatorEnglish To Samoan TranslatorSimple and easy app for translating words, sentences and text from Samoan language to English language.You can also use this same app for English To Samoan translation purpose.This app has speech to text feature by which you can type by just speaking in your voice and you will get your translation done.Use microphone button for speech to text voice translation.This app provides pronunciation feature for listening the translated text.Samoan To English speech Translator app.English To Samoan speech Translator app.English voice typingSamoan voice typingYou can copy and share the translated text very easily on any messaging, chatting and social media application.This app show previous translations on history section of the app. It also has favorite section for storing your favorite translations.You can also use this app as a dictionary app for Samoan To English dictionary and English To Samoan dictionary.Samoan To English voice Translator app.English To Samoan voice Translator app.Features :- Very easy to use UI- Completely free translator- History section- Voice typing- Favorite section- Voce translation- Speech to text- Translation sharing- Very fast